Sunday, December 30, 2012

Article of research proposal

The research proposal
Lyn Daff
Avondale College, Cooranbong, Australia


Purpose– The purpose is to reflect on writing a PhD proposal.

Design/methodology/approach– The paper is a poem based on the author’s experience.

Findings– This is meditation on how the topic, theory and method for a research project all need to
be fine-tuned, so they are in balance.

Research limitations/implications– The paper stimulates thought about what drives a research
project, and that various adaptations are required, so the topic theory, and method are woven together
in harmony.

Originality/value– The paper provides an insight into the preparation of a research proposal, and
highlights that it is not a linear process, driven only by the topic.

Keywords-Research, Information theory, Research methods, Degrees

Paper type-Viewpoint

The research proposal

You pick your topic and you think it’s set
Then there’s the supervisor who needs to be met
Afterwards it seems the topic wasn’t clear
You ask yourself, was it really so dear?
A PhD’s a long journey that must be taken
Adjust so your passion’s not totally forsaken
Why choose the very difficult path to go?
A little adaptation and it won’t be so slow
But getting the topic is only the beginning
Without theory and method, you ain’t singing
Finding a theory, how do you pick which one?
You’ve been working for months but just begun
The method needs to fit the question that you ask
Balancing this with theory is really quite a task
You read and read and read some more
Getting these issues settled is a bit of a chore
Working hard here is effort you should spend
It will pay off when your proposal you defend

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I am working today. Xmas or not, for postgrad there is no different at all. Huh. Poseur detected.

One thing I hated the most when working or wanted to start working; was when the ezproxy site breakdown. How am I going to download such articles? So FB here I go. (the said site is a proxy site for postgrad student to access online databases, when one cannot connect to Uni's wifi, say in kampung or weak internet connection in residential college).

I asked my friend about the same problem. His reply was just 'I close my laptop and go to sleep'.

Now who said the Iranian, instead of busy enriching uranium for social usage, cannot be funny?

Monday, December 17, 2012

"I have a dream"

Saya bermimpi ngeri minggu lepas. Hari Khamis.

Dalam mimpi saya itu, pendekkan cerita, Emak saya meninggal dunia.

Begitu ngeri pun bila diingat semula masih ada elemen komedi yang mana roh Emak masih ada dan memerli saya dengan kata 'Itulah waktu Emak ada......Sekarang Emak dah tak ada...'

Mengalir juga air mata mendengar komen perli Emak tadi biarpun mimpi.

Syukur Alhamdulillah. Mimpi itu sebagai peringatan. Tak berani lagi saya meremeh remehkan suruhan Emak. Terus rasa hormat dan sayang pada Emak berlipat ganda.

Rupa rupanya pada masa sama Emak juga bermimpi. Terasa dibawa menaiki kenderaan berupa kepala. Entah bagaimana fiziknya kenderaan tadi. Melayang layang menuju ke negeri antah berantah.

Datang tiba tiba seorang lelaki mengatakan 'Tak apa, biar aku pergi'.

Saya bila mendengar begitu terus teringat doa yang saya amalkan setiap usai solat.

"Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami, ampunilah segala dosa Ibu Bapa kami. Kasihanilah mereka sebagaimana mereka mengasihani kami sewaktu kecil. Kekalkan kebahagiaan kami. Berikan mereka kesihatan dan umur yang panjang. Jauhkan mereka daripada kemalangan kecelakaan malapetaka dunia dan akhirat. Berilah kami kesempatan membahagiakan mereka..."  3 kali. Dibaca antara 2 selawat.



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